“Gelato” is an Italian frozen dessert which happens to be rich ice-cream, which is soft, fresh, warm to the palate and quite Low in
Fat as compared to the industrial ice-cream. Malee’s Cafe imports the Gelato ingredients in powder and paste form one of the
world’s leading companies in Pastry and Gelateria i.e, PreGel from Italy and does in-house production so as to serve our customers
the right and fresh product.
The ettiquettes of serving Gelato is like, it has to be served fresh. So Malee’s hardworking employees
are on their toes 24/7 to
serve their customers 24 exotic flavors of Italian Gelato in the Real Authentic way. You can not find any
Gelato more old than
4 days.
That’s we bet! The kitchen area where this scrumptious dessert is made, enclosed in a chic mirror
cabin where there
is state-
machinery (from the famous Brands, Bravo and Frigomat, being imported from Italy and
with the ultimate shock freezers and adorned by beautifully displayed draws mentioning the Art of
Displaying Gelato.